What are the 4 R’s of Paraphrasing Content for Authentic Assignments?

What are the 4 R’s of Paraphrasing Content for Authentic Assignments?

What do you understand when we say paraphrasing content? As per top Australian universities, “It refers to rewording another author’s text, narrative or argument in relevance to a topic.” Many even consider it as an indirect quotation, and it serves as a legitimate method of restating ideas and information from various sources. In contrast to summarising (which is briefly overviewing the main arguments of a stanza) or direct quoting (including the passage’s information in exact words within quotation marks), paraphrasing presents the same message from the web source in your own words. 

Unfortunately, most students lack this crucial academic writing skill and hence frequently book ‘do my assignment’ services from a top provider in Australia. They connect with experts in hopes of receiving authentic assignment solutions to refer to and learn about paraphrasing information from various web sources. 

Of course, learning how to paraphrase is not difficult. Keep reading the post to learn all about it. 

As you can see, the 4 R’s include – Read, Recheck, Restate and Repair. You can also consider them as the 4 main pillars of paraphrasing content. 

1. Read 

To rewrite content in your own words, you must read the original source properly and understand the main idea or message. 

Here’s what you should do. 

  • Filter the source information – Refrain from rewriting the information one after another. Before you begin, you must filter out the sentences that complement your topic’s argument best. Once done, club them together to achieve freshly rephrased content for your assignment. 
  • Condense central ideas without changing their meaning – Look to understand the thoughts when the author wrote the information. Once you determine the meaning, you can reconstruct the text freshly while keeping the original meaning intact. Also, try to reconstruct the information in active voice regardless of what voice the author has used. 

Furthermore, if you can’t do it yourself, consider typing https://myassignmenthelp.expert/ in your search tab to hire an assignment helper to help you rewrite content freshly.

2. Restate 

Next, you restate the information you have understood from the source. You have to place yourself in the writer’s shoes, comprehend their thoughts and write accordingly. Keep these in mind. 

  • Look to change the sentence structure – Remember, rewriting isn’t limited to using synonyms or changing words here and there. Doing so may land you in trouble. To avoid similarity, it is best to change the sentence structure. If you are rewriting an entire stanza of 4 sentences, add variety to each sentence while maintaining context, coherency and flow throughout. Include a mix of short and long sentences. Also, add your distinctive writing tone and style to make it sound more like you while retaining its original meaning. 
  • Include quotations wherever applicable – You can also include direct quotations like a speech, terminology, or data. Keep them in quotations.   

Note –Avoid personal biases or comments on the topic. Only include relevant information that is authentic and easily verifiable from supporting evidence. 

3. Recheck 

The 3rd crucial aspect is rechecking the reconstructed content. Ensure you have included all vital points and that the rewritten text mirrors the same message found in the original source. Adopt these steps when rechecking texts. 

  • Read the text multiple times to ensure correct context – Properly revise the rewritten text to determine the context. You can also ask someone you trust to check the information against the original text to ensure its accuracy. 
  • Use a paraphrasing tool to compare with the original source – You can also use this academic source to compare your rewritten text with the source information. Several such tools exist online. So, find one and use it.


4. Repair 

The final step is to cite the sources to establish credibility in the work. Most students believe that they don’t have to cite sources when paraphrasing content. As opposed to the popular belief, you have to include text citations and references whenever applicable

Of course, to do that, you must familiarise yourself with all the various referencing styles adopted by Australian colleges and universities. Also refer to the task guidelines to know about the specified referencing style for the paper. Here’s what to do.

  • Refer to examples of the referencing style – There are several online examples of specific referencing styles followed in Australia. Use those examples to learn about the norms for each style. You can also consult with the professor to help you better understand the specified referencing requirements. Only do it after you have gathered sound familiarity with each type.
  • Follow the appropriate norms – When including citations and references, follow the norms for the preferred style correctly. If needed, ask someone you trust to review the citation and referencing part for its accuracy.


 What Sources to Use When Paraphrasing Information? 

Academic writing is different to its other variants. Accurate research and quality writing must be complemented with supporting evidence. 

So, during the researching phase, only refer to authentic sources like Australian government sites, college and university online libraries, newspapers, academic research papers and journals accessible in Google Scholar. Avoid commonly used or mainstream websites like Wikipedia or (. com.au) sources. 

Ending Note 

Now you know about the 4 R’s or paraphrasing and what precisely you should do when reconstructing information from various web sources. Use the tips to start rewriting content for your pending paper. It will help you churn out authentic assignments worthy of good grades upon submission.

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